Patient Recruitment, Retention & Engagement
Clinical Trial Network supports our clinical teams in providing creative ways to recruit patients.
Recruitment is conducted through our EMR built-in screening system, which screens through our existing database of over 22,000 patients. We also work with third parties to recruit and provide out-of-practice patients from our diverse community, opted-in database, and other proven recruitment channels.​
The Call Center is the first point of contact for the patient recruitment process. Our staff obtains health information via a phone screen. The data is then processed and filtered to assess which trial would be appropriate for the patient. Once a trial is identified, our staff can set the first appointment for screening.
Our recruitment strategies and resources include:
Calling, texting, email campaigns
Chart and medical records review
Investigator’s internal patient database
TV, radio, local newspapers
Social media ads: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
Referral networks, referral emails/letters to selected hospitals/general practice clinics
Brochures, flyers, and posters inside multi-specialty practice
Patient-to-patient referrals
Our staff is engaging, knowledgeable, and welcoming
Keep patients updated on their health, medical condition(s), and progress of study (consistent communication)
Outpatient volunteers have staff personnel they can reach for questions or emergencies
Results can be sent to PCP upon request
Make patients feel appreciated: thank you cards/notes, follow-up for another study, birthday cards/emails, newsletters
Visit reminders: phone call, text messages, and emails prior to next visit
Identify patients who need transportation assistance to prevent cancellations
Compliance reminders
Educational support throughout study
Ensure payments are processed timely
24-hour general inquiry response
CTN is constantly looking to grow our referral network by hosting Lunch and Learns with area physicians to educate them regarding current clinical studies.
We maintain great relationships with the following organizations to help achieve our target study volunteers:
Support Groups - Members and volunteers for local chapters of disease specific support groups
Health Fairs - Periodic general health screenings performed by our network of physicians
Senior living facilities - Good rapport with staff and residents of 20+ locations
Nursing homes - Close association with the nursing staff, case workers, and administration of 20+ locations